Author Topic: Pier Flip  (Read 15112 times)

Offline MooiWeer

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Pier Flip
« on: Friday, 18.10.13 - 11:40:05 - CEST »

I have an equatorial fork mount. If I dissable pier flip, the mount refuses to pass the meridian. And will turn almost 360°. This happens while tracking and slewing. Where can I adjust the settings ?


Offline Armando

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Re: Pier Flip
« Reply #1 on: Friday, 18.10.13 - 17:48:52 - CEST »
Hi MooiWeer,
If I dissable pier flip, the mount refuses to pass the meridian. And will turn almost 360°.
What do you mean with turn 360°?

This happens while tracking and slewing. Where can I adjust the settings ?
How did you disable pier flip? You can find all the AutoFlip related settings in telescope setup (AutoFlip tab).
AutoFlip is an option. If enabled, it causes a flip (or asks the user for a flip confirmation) after a GoTo command that could be "dangerous"...
So tracking should never stop. Obviously I'm referring to the driver. Are you using any automation software? 


Offline MooiWeer

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Re: Pier Flip
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, 19.10.13 - 16:05:27 - CEST »
After some more testing. While tracking there is no attempt for a pier flip. But let's say I'm at +5° from the meredian and I want to go to -2° from the meridian a the telescope will perform an almost full rotation, which twist my wires.

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier Flip
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, 20.10.13 - 16:29:06 - CEST »
If you want you can set a delay to have no flip if the target is x minutes beyond the meridian... You can set x in AutoFlip tab (by Telescope Setup).
Anyway, also with no delay, you can set the driver to wait for a flip confirmation by the user to take full control of the flip as soon as a GoTo command has been sent.
