Hi Armando,
You are a Genius !!!

The LFEP works. But…..i have a lot of explaining to do.
I first did the copy of the 3 little files via the Com3 port to the LFEP.
I noticed that it only started up again with the “lfep_reset1.txt” file (not with the other two)
So I think this the CU reset file. So far so good, but now the story begins.
I checked the “Mount set-up” in menu 3 and found that the step angle from both motors was set at 7.5° and both wormwheels on 180. This had to be 1.8° for the motors and 272 resp 210 for the wormwheels.
I changed this parameters, did a “save set-up” and a “reset”, and…. the LFEP was dead again. With only “Display init…” on the HP.
Then I changed only both motor stepsizes, save-setup and reset, and….it stayed ok !!!
Then I changed both wormwheels, save-setup, reset and BANG, faulty again !
Then my eurocent began to fall (at my age, that takes more and more time

Maurice gave me as gear ratio’s 132x so that set into the parameters. I made a little calculation, 132 x 272 gives a total reduction of 35.904 In my humble opinion this is way too high !!
So I think Mr Rajiva build a max. reduction in his LFEP (I Think)
As a test I keyed in the parameters from my own telescope and the LFEP worked as it should do !
A remark for evt. later updates, It would be nice if there should be a warning on the display. I.e “Total reduction too high”. Then all these frustration and trouble would have been unneccesary.

So Maurice gave me wrong figures for his gear ratio’s.

I cannot reach him now, cause he is in the “Ardennen” for a few days.
Anyway, the problem is solved
Thank you all Guys, for your help and specially patience with me. I’ve learned a lot, and that is maybe the positive side of the coin.
Now let’s do some stargazing again. That’s why we do it for !!!

Best Regards