Author Topic: LFEP down !  (Read 27072 times)

Offline Antoon

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #20 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 17:57:24 - CEST »
Hi Armando,

Thank you very much for this answer. I'm sorry i'm an incredible stupid. I'm ashamed of myself.  :-[
Of course i forgot the : and ;
I think it will be ok now. I received a message;

 "The Firmwarerequest has been received and will be processed.
If you do not get a eMail within 1-2 Days please try a new request"

So let's see what it brings now.
My e-mail is in case it does not work.
By the way, how do you send #:GV# to a port (in my case COM3) ?

Thanks for reading and sorry again

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #21 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 18:06:44 - CEST »
Hi Antoon,

By the way, how do you send #:GV# to a port (in my case COM3) ?
You can use HyperTerminal. I prefer RealTerm because of the available settings. But to send a command to which LFEP should answer in ASCII mode HyperTerminal is good too.
In any case you need to open COM3 port @ 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 bit stop with no flow control.
If you opt for RealTerm be sure to send the indicated commands in ASCII mode.


Offline Antoon

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 18:42:03 - CEST »
Hi Armando,

Wooowww!!! That's too high for me. I won't take the risk. I know way too little from computers to do this.
Sorry, not for me.  ;) Thanks anyway !!!

In the mean time i received two files from the update engine;
one is a .lf file (43 bytes) the other one is a txt file that says;

your request has been received and a new database entry was created.
The new entry needs to be checked before the request can be processed.
Please make sure the Forum "Real Name" matches the Licenced User of the firmware!

Please create a new request after 12-24 Hours as this request will NOT
create a new firmware. Also read the note about the registration fee

The DB Engine

I remember that i did a donation to Mr Rajiva (i look it up in my bankfiles) so i believe i won't have to pay a fee.
But i don't know on what name Maurice's LFEP is registered.(if it is anyway) I bought it for him, but don't know anything about registering,
and Maurice has no internet connection. so we will find out.
Let's wait and see.

Thanks for reading.
I surely let you know the continuation of this story.

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #23 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 19:30:30 - CEST »
Armaondo is right,... sorry this was my fault you need a ":" instead of "," - you will see a table with your specified information then.

Offline Antoon

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #24 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 20:23:13 - CEST »
No problem Lizardking. Indeed i used , instead of :
But it is me who has to take care. Armando did his best to tell me how, and i looked over it.
I'm mad at myself to make such a stupid mistake.
In the meantime i wait for an answer from the update-engine (Mr Rajiva)

Oooh i'm getting too old for this s***  :-\


Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #25 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 20:27:13 - CEST »
Hi Antoon,

I sent you an email with 3 attached files useful to reset the LFEP. You can skip the HyperTerminal test if you prefer.
Be sure to save the attached file exactly as received: don't copy their content as shown by your mail program.
Save them locally and use them as descibed in my mail message...

I hope it helps. Let me know...


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #26 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 20:35:39 - CEST »
Yes ok you where never registered,... this is the situation we feared before. I understand totaly this is frustrating in your case as it only waists time. However having the correct firmware will help in future,... maybe Armandos workaround will help, but this works only if there is still a way to talk to your LFEP over the RS232 what I am not sure of. I think there will be the need to reinitialize the display firmware first to get communication running again.

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #27 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 22:00:08 - CEST »
Hi the_lizardking,
maybe Armandos workaround will help, but this works only if there is still a way to talk to your LFEP over the RS232 what I am not sure of.
I agree with you and I'm not sure it will work. But I think it's worth it.
I also want to point out that after upgrading the LFEP there is the need to unlock it by entering the master password. So before going to upgrade the firmware the user has to know the master password!


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #28 on: Wednesday, 08.05.13 - 22:33:14 - CEST »

Offline Antoon

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #29 on: Thursday, 09.05.13 - 11:56:55 - CEST »
Hi Armando,

You are a Genius !!! 8)

The LFEP works. But…..i have a lot of explaining to do.
I first did the copy of the 3 little files via the Com3 port to the LFEP.
I noticed that it only started up again with the “lfep_reset1.txt” file (not with the other two)
So I think this the CU reset file. So far so good, but now the story begins.

I checked the “Mount set-up” in menu 3 and found that the step angle from both motors was set at 7.5° and both wormwheels on 180. This had to be 1.8° for the motors and 272 resp 210 for the wormwheels.
I changed this parameters, did a “save set-up” and a “reset”, and…. the LFEP was dead again. With only “Display init…” on the HP.
Then I changed only both motor stepsizes, save-setup and reset, and….it stayed ok !!!
Then I changed both wormwheels, save-setup, reset and BANG, faulty again !
Then my eurocent began to fall (at my age, that takes more and more time   ;))
Maurice gave me as gear ratio’s 132x so that set into the parameters. I made a little calculation, 132 x 272 gives  a total reduction of 35.904 In my humble opinion this is way too high !!
So I think Mr Rajiva build a max. reduction in his LFEP (I Think)
As a test I keyed  in the parameters from my own telescope and the LFEP worked as it should do !

A remark for evt. later updates,  It would be nice if there should be a warning on the display. I.e “Total reduction too high”. Then all these frustration and trouble would have been unneccesary. :(

So Maurice gave me wrong figures for his gear ratio’s.  >:(
I cannot reach him now, cause he is in the “Ardennen” for a few days.
Anyway, the problem is solved
Thank you all Guys, for your help and specially patience with me. I’ve learned a lot, and that is maybe the positive side of the coin.
Now let’s do some stargazing again. That’s why we do it for !!!  :)

Best Regards

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #30 on: Thursday, 09.05.13 - 12:35:55 - CEST »
Hi Antoon,

I'm glad to have been of help.  ;)

The LFEP works. But…..i have a lot of explaining to do.
I first did the copy of the 3 little files via the Com3 port to the LFEP.
I noticed that it only started up again with the “lfep_reset1.txt” file (not with the other two)
So I think this the CU reset file. So far so good, but now the story begins.
Yes, the lfep_reset1 is the one that causes the CU reset. But it's worth starting the reset sequence from Video/Lan.

I checked the “Mount set-up” in menu 3 and found that the step angle from both motors was set at 7.5° and both wormwheels on 180. This had to be 1.8° for the motors and 272 resp 210 for the wormwheels.
I changed this parameters, did a “save set-up” and a “reset”, and…. the LFEP was dead again. With only “Display init…” on the HP.
Interesting.  ;)
Then I changed only both motor stepsizes, save-setup and reset, and….it stayed ok !!!
Then I changed both wormwheels, save-setup, reset and BANG, faulty again !
Then my eurocent began to fall (at my age, that takes more and more time   ;))
Maurice gave me as gear ratio’s 132x so that set into the parameters. I made a little calculation, 132 x 272 gives  a total reduction of 35.904 In my humble opinion this is way too high !!
I also know there is a max overall reduction.

So I think Mr Rajiva build a max. reduction in his LFEP (I Think)
If you try to set also gear ratio you see a failure message by the handbox if the overall reduction is not supported. So this check is already implemented.

A remark for evt. later updates,  It would be nice if there should be a warning on the display. I.e “Total reduction too high”. Then all these frustration and trouble would have been unneccesary. :(
According to your report when a LFEP internal settings corruption occurs only some parameters are restored to factory default values. And this causes wrong/unsupported overall reduction.
We need to define if the LFEP corruption occurs occasionally or when the user starts playing by ASCOM to set them. Maybe in this case the overall reduction computation is to be checked before going to set (by ASCOM) the user defined parameters...

I'm going to post a new topic about this issue. I'll also publish the files required to reset the LFEP.

Clear Skies!

Offline Over50

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Re: LFEP down !
« Reply #31 on: Thursday, 09.05.13 - 21:31:27 - CEST »
again the first indication that my language is German and I use the Google translator to understand the meaning of the English texts.
My answer is also a translation from German into English by Google.
I hope the translation in this sense remains approximately preserved and is understandable.

I made a little calculation, 132 x 272 gives  a total reduction of 35.904 In my humble opinion this is way too high !!
So I think Mr Rajiva build a max. reduction in his LFEP (I Think)

A limitation of the max. possible reduction there must be.
Somewhere at the clock frequency of the MCU simply closing.

The max. possible reduction is currently 2150000:1.

Maximum reduction = (360/Stepangle) * GearRatio * Wormwheel = 2150000
360/1,8 * 132 * 272 = 7180800 > 2150000 -> wrong!

In a Wormwheel = 272 and Stepangel of 1.8 is GearRatio max = 39
360/1,8 * 39 * 272 = 2121600 < 2150000 -> good!

or Stepper with Stepangel = 7.5
360/7,5 * 132 * 272 = 1723392 < 2150000 -> good!

As long as this value is not exceeded each factor plays no role.
To control the mount parameters before input to the controller but there is a small tool of Rajiva.
It indicates when the parameters are in the range of error.
I've added it as an attachment.

An extension of this value would be at the expense of max. GOTO speed or
the Controler needed an MCU with a higher clock frequency.

CS Volker