Hi Armando,
The encoder error is not unimportant. My encoder has a maximum error of 60% per tick. This is a half arc second. I think that is tolerable. Also should not be used as a gearbox in order to increase the resolution. It makes no sense to try error of gears with other gears to fix.
It is not only the polar alignment. The stiffness of the mount against wind and vibration as well as the bending of the telescope itself must be minimized.
The bearings should have no gap and have to run very precisely.
(1 arc second are only 1mm at 200 meters)
These are very high demands on a payable mount.
My mount is a self made with 60mm diameter axis and handles very precisely.
My encoder is an optical non-contact encoder ring. Thermal expansion is not a problem.
If only I could somehow get the EPEC option for testing.
Is there really no more updates?

I think that there should be a way to improve the EPEC.
It can not be so difficult to influence the speed of a stepper motor controller.
5000 tpr are not quite enough. With quadrature you have a resolution of 65 arcsec.
(1296000 "/ (5000tpr x 4 (quadrature)) = 64.8")
And then comes the potential errors in the Enoders ...
What annoys me with the LFEP: an encoder that allows EPEC, makes no GOTO by hand.
No matter if TDM or LFEP, I need currently 2 encoder on the RA axis to have both.
Perhaps there is a way (with additional box) to save the tick and leave in a specific maximum speed to the LFEP. GOTO by hand is then slower but doable.
CS, Dennis