Author Topic: Connection to PC through USB  (Read 7728 times)

Offline gpaolo

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Connection to PC through USB
« on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 12:53:33 - CEST »
I'm having some issue with the connection of the LFEP with the PC.
If I use the serial cable, everything works.
If I connect the USB cable, the controller and the new port is correctly detected, drivers are ok, but there is no way to connect.
I've tried everything I could imagine, but I had no luck. I've been using the FTDI in other applications I have developed and I know that there could be some issue with windows default drivers, so I used the drivers from the FDTI website. I tried also to change the port, check the ASCOM configuration with the profile explorer, but no luck.
Any idea? I can use it with the USB/RS232 converter, but I would prefer to have just the USB cable...


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: Connection to PC through USB
« Reply #1 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 18:15:22 - CEST »

die you check the pinning of your cable, or did I understand correct the FTDI Chipset is found correct by windows once connected via USB?
If Windows found the chipset and did an installation,... I have currently no idea except the wrong port wich you also already checked as understand?

In this case it could be that you littlefoot needs to have a reset,... you can try this topic:,31.0.html

In any case this should be the last option and note your configurstion and settings first.

Offline gpaolo

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Re: Connection to PC through USB
« Reply #2 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 18:41:32 - CEST »
Hi, the cable should be fine because the new port is correctly detected.
I don't think it is a problem of port number, I tried to change the port both on PC hardware properties and in the driver, but nothing changed.

About the Display Init, I don't think it is that either. The remote command works fine, it doesn't get stuck.
I will try on another PC where I used the FDTI devices before, to see if the problem is with my version of window. Thanks anyway!

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: Connection to PC through USB
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, 30.07.13 - 09:24:07 - CEST »
Go over it step by step,... I think when it works with the USB Serial converter which is the same chip then it should work over LFEP too. At the end go for the reset,... sometimes that could happen.