Author Topic: Possible bug with flip/guidepulse  (Read 17305 times)

Offline gpaolo

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Possible bug with flip/guidepulse
« on: Sunday, 25.01.15 - 23:37:57 - CET »
Hi, after a (very long) pause mainly due to weather, in the last two nights I have observed a strange behavior right after pierflip: I was always loosing the guide in the first image after pierflip.
Tonight, when I noticed that, I opened the ASCOM control panel to move the guide star back in position.
There I saw a very strange thing: the flipping indicator was blinking, and I was getting in the low window a message telling me that the slewing was in progress and the guide pulse was being ignored.
As soon as I pressed one of the motion control key, the pierflip indicator stopped blinking and the mount accepted again the pulse guide command, and the guide went back to normal.
The complete message is: pulseguide command received while slewing - ignored!
In the log, the slew was correctly indicated as finished one minute before.
Attached there is a screenshot.

I don't know if this was the exact thing going on also all other times that I lost the guide after pierflip, but it seems to me quite probable.
Any idea?


Offline gpaolo

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Re: Possible bug with flip/guidepulse
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, 25.01.15 - 23:55:18 - CET »
Another interesting thing.
This is the log from CCD Autopilot:

Code: [Select]
22:40:33 Waiting for meridian flip time...
23:05:24 Meridian flip starting...
23:05:24 Slewing past meridian...
23:05:24 Telescope connected
23:05:24 Slewing scope...
23:08:39 Slewed to RA: 05 10 18,8, Dec: +20 40 32, Jnow
23:08:39 Mount settling for 3 sec. after slew.
23:08:44 Telescope tracking on
23:08:44 Telescope connected
23:08:44 Slewing scope...
23:09:16 P:ST, mscorlib: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
23:09:17 AO recentered
23:09:17 Adjusting PM pointing location...
23:09:19 Telescope connected
23:09:19 Slewing scope...
23:10:14 Slewed to RA: 06 10 19,1, Dec: +20 39 11, Jnow
23:10:14 Mount settling for 3 sec. after slew.
23:10:19 Telescope tracking on
23:10:19 Plate solving...
23:10:19 Telescope RA: 06 10 19,0, Dec: +20 39 11
23:10:35 Focuser moved by 235 to 15482
23:10:35 Readout mode: 0
23:10:42 C:\Foto\SyncImages\
23:11:04 Stars: 358, FWHM: 2,4 pixels
23:11:04 Solved RA: 06 09 47,3, Dec: +21 12 47, PA: 1,1 (21,2s)
23:11:09 Sync'd to RA: 06 10 43,1, Dec: +21 12 23
23:11:09 Telescope RA: 06 10 43,1, Dec: +21 12 23
23:11:09 Telescope reports RA: 06 10 43,1, Dec: +21 12 23
23:11:23 Focuser moved by -235 to 15247
23:11:26 Plate Solve Time: 66,7 sec.
23:11:26 Pointing error (arcmin): RA -5,9; Dec -33,2
23:11:26 Telescope connected
23:11:26 Slewing scope...
23:11:35 Slewed to RA: 06 10 19,1, Dec: +20 39 11, Jnow
23:11:35 Mount settling for 3 sec. after slew.
23:11:40 Telescope tracking on
23:11:40 Sync'd
23:11:40 Meridian Flip completed.
23:11:40 Flip Time: 376,4 sec.
23:11:41 AO recentered
23:11:41 Telescope RA: 06 10 19,0, Dec: +20 39 11
23:11:41 Guide1: A181,2W0,0TTF181,2
23:11:41 Refreshing guide star location...
23:11:47 Maxim is providing the guide star location
23:11:48 Guide star measurement 1
23:11:55 Guider x: 67,0, y: 102,0
23:11:56 Guider stopped.
23:12:11 Guide Error X: 0,19, Y: 0,47
23:12:18 Altitude: 73,4°
23:12:18 Hour Angle: 0,1
23:12:18 ngc2174, exposing...

At 23:09:16 there is an error logged. I will ask on the CCDAP forum about that...
I attach the log of the Ascom driver of the same period of time.
I really do not understand what was going on there...

Offline Armando

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Re: Possible bug with flip/guidepulse
« Reply #2 on: Friday, 30.01.15 - 18:12:31 - CET »
Hi gpaolo,

you're using an old driver.
Please download the latest version from SourceForge and let me know if the issue still occurs.
