Hi Isi,
if you install the latest release over the old 1.5.2 one (without uninstalling the old one) you'll see the help is still available...
I removed the help file since it should be modified to properly describe the new driver.
Anyway I think the GUI is pretty user friendly...
Fan On/Off is used to power On/Off a fan (if you have a fan on your scope properly connected to LFEP)...
Alt. Park is a button that allows you to park your mount at an alternative parking position. You've obviously to set your alternative parking position before beeing able to park there.
All the mount configuration commands are available by a click on telescope setup. There you'll find all the settings properly grouped.
The only thing to take care of before sending any GoTo command is PierSide. If you see that the scope moves wrongly then you're probably using the wrong side of pier (and a click on Invert Dec will fix the issue so that the scope will move as expected...).
Please feel free to ask here if something is not clear.

I don't speak German but, in case of need, I'm sure you'll obtain useful answers also by someone else in German.