Author Topic: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt  (Read 74539 times)

Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, 20.02.14 - 10:55:35 - CET »
Hello Armando,

you will find attached in Pic1 and Pic2 the answers of the LFEP on the commands #:GV# and #:VS#.

When I started SerialMon and afterwards the LFEP starter utility the error message in Pic3 appears. Starting RealTerm and then the LFEP driver the same message was displayed (Pic5). It seems, that both applications couldn't run together at the same time.

So I used the LFEP starter utility quite alone. In opposite to the first modified driver, this time the progress bar runs till its end, but the handbox was not displayed. Instead the message in Pic4 could be seen.


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #21 on: Thursday, 20.02.14 - 13:16:20 - CET »
Hi Heinz,
you will find attached in Pic1 and Pic2 the answers of the LFEP on the commands #:GV# and #:VS#.
I suggested to send #:GV# just to let you figure out how RealTerm works (you can see your FW is 5.88 Rev.B - each ASCII character is displayed also in Hex).
Anyway RealTerm now is properly configured.

When I started SerialMon and afterwards the LFEP starter utility the error message in Pic3 appears. Starting RealTerm and then the LFEP driver the same message was displayed (Pic5). It seems, that both applications couldn't run together at the same time.
SerialMon is obviously to be set to sniff traffic (View->Preferences->Cable connection-> Software monitoring).
RealTerm will never be able to communicate to LFEP while LFEP is connected by ASCOM. This is  the same reason why I suggested to use FocusMax to have many clients able to control LFEP. SerialMon, while sniffing, will show you the traffic between LFEP and the only one connected client (LFEP ASCOM server).

So I used the LFEP starter utility quite alone. In opposite to the first modified driver, this time the progress bar runs till its end, but the handbox was not displayed. Instead the message in Pic4 could be seen.
I fixed #0:VX# but something wrong occurs later. I need a SerialMon log.


Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #22 on: Friday, 21.02.14 - 17:48:10 - CET »
Hello Armando,

in the attachment you will find two log – files. The first file had been created with the LFEP in non-operating state. The second file shows the situation of LFEP after starting up the tracking. I hope, that these informations are helpfully.


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #23 on: Friday, 21.02.14 - 22:16:50 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

I hope, that these informations are helpfully.
Yes  ;)

Ok, I modified the code and I think now the handbox should be properly shown...
Unfortunately the code sent by Gerald about #0:VX# command is not good for your firmware.  ::) I need to decipher the answer by LFEP to #0:VX# command in several LFEP states (synced/not synced, tracking/not tracking, slewing/not slewing, East/West Pier side).
I mean to make the driver working. But, before going on, please let me know if the handbox now is displayed. If you don't see the ASCOM handbox or if you see the driver "freezes" please send me SerialMon logs...

« Last Edit: Sunday, 23.02.14 - 02:56:12 - CET by Armando »

Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #24 on: Saturday, 22.02.14 - 15:17:30 - CET »
Hello Armando,

unfortunately I can't report the appearance of the ASCOM handbox. The progress bar again runs properly, but at it's end the error messages shown in Pic1 and Pic2 appeared.

So I recorded the two attached SerialMon Logs, the first again in LFEP non operating state, the second in tracking mode.

Good luck!

Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, 23.02.14 - 02:55:49 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

OK, I found no communication issues in the logs but I think a pair of unhandled exceptions occurred that could be the cause of the crash.
Please let me know if the handbox appears...
Obviously keep the option "Show handbox on connection" (Telescope->Setup) enabled.


Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #26 on: Sunday, 23.02.14 - 12:13:54 - CET »
Hooray Armando,

the handbox appeared (Pic1 and Pic2). As you recommended me, I didn't test any presented command. Let me know, what's to do next.


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #27 on: Sunday, 23.02.14 - 12:53:24 - CET »
OK Heinz,

you can make some tests still by the ASCOM handbox.
Click on Show Meridian Flip and start giving a look at pointing state and side of pier:
1. power on LFEP, connect and check them;
2. sync on any object by the hardware handbox and check if they change accordingly;
3. click on Invert Dec and check if side of pier changes;
4. send a GoTo command by the HW handbox, make the HW handbox not showing the coords (just to exclude possible issues), and check if ASCOM  slewing led blinks. It should not blink when slewing has finished (you can stop slewing simply by the hardware handbox by a click on any moving button...).

You can move the trackbar located next to Silent checkbox in the middle to reduce the ASCOM state polling period (i.e. to increase the ASCOM polling rate, to reduce the delay that occurs between a LFEP state change by the HW handbox and its detection by the ASCOM driver).

You can also check if reported PEC state is right playing the same way by the HW handbox (to check if the reported PEC state changes accordingly...).
Keep in mind the detection delay...

Please let me know...  ;)


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #28 on: Sunday, 23.02.14 - 15:40:00 - CET »
Heinz, keep also in mind I disabled Sidereal/Solar/Lunar rate distinction. Also all setting commands won't work.
I gave higher priority to LFEP states required to make the driver working.
So make the tests described in my previous message.
Later on we'll try to make everything else working, if possible.


Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #29 on: Monday, 24.02.14 - 17:37:03 - CET »
Hello Armando,

after syncing on some objects the information under “Pointing state” changed from East to West. Also the coords, shown in the information window, are changing accordingly. The information under “Side of pier” didn't change, neither on sync commands nor on slewing the mount by HW handbox.

A click on “InvertDEC” also didn't change the “side of pier” state.

After sending a goto command the slewing led starts blinking, but it goes on to blink after stopping the movement. Also after a few minutes the blinking was displayed. In my manual, I couldn't find a command, that allows a modification of the HW handbox, not showing the coords after a goto movement.

The PEC state didn't change. Any time I could read “Active” and “Valid”.The button right beside it displayed “PEC off”. A click on it does not change it to “PEC on”.


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #30 on: Monday, 24.02.14 - 18:45:48 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

after syncing on some objects the information under “Pointing state” changed from East to West. Also the coords, shown in the information window, are changing accordingly. The information under “Side of pier” didn't change, neither on sync commands nor on slewing the mount by HW handbox.

A click on “InvertDEC” also didn't change the “side of pier” state.
Not OK.
#>D# (resp. #<D#) are used to set East (resp. West) side of pier.
So Sync on any object by the handbox and use RealTerm (no ASCOM connection) to communicate to LFEP and:
1. send #>D# (to set East side of pier) and #0:VX# and tell me the answer;
2. send #<D# (to set West side of pier) and #0:VX# and tell me the answer...
I'll try to figure out how to recognize the side of pier...

After sending a goto command the slewing led starts blinking, but it goes on to blink after stopping the movement. Also after a few minutes the blinking was displayed.
Not OK.
Use Realterm and tell me the answer to #0:VX# command while mount is slewing and while it's not slewing...

In my manual, I couldn't find a command, that allows a modification of the HW handbox, not showing the coords after a goto movement.
OK, I modified the driver in the past and so it should be able to manage/discard unwanted data coming from the handbox (sent by LFEP itself while the handbox display is showing current coords).

The PEC state didn't change. Any time I could read “Active” and “Valid”.The button right beside it displayed “PEC off”. A click on it does not change it to “PEC on”.
Not OK.
To read PEC state you should use #:VS# command (always by RealTerm) in place of #0:VX#.
So you should change PEC state by the HW handbox, send #:VS# and tell me the answer (while PEC is Off, while PEC is ON and finally during PEC training).

You can use RealTerm screen shots to report the answers...


Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday, 25.02.14 - 16:50:00 - CET »
Hello Armando,

in the attachments you will find three screen shots, that are returned on the RealTerm commands:

Screen shot 1:
Line 1 was returned after the Sync on an object by the HW handbox.
Line 2 and 3 are the results of sending #>D# (#<D#) and then #0:VX#

Screen shot 2:
I started the mount slewing and send #0:VX#. After some seconds I stopped the mount by a click on a moving button of the HW handbox. Although the mount was tracking now (not slewing) the screen writing goes on. So the first package of characters was displayed.

After sending #0:VX# for the second time (during the mount was tracking), the second package was created. I stopped the writing on the screen by disconnecting the LFEP with a push on the On/Off button.

Screen shot 3:
Here you will find the answers of the LFEP on the #:VS# command while PEC is off (line 1), while PEC is on (line 2) and while PEC training is enabled (line 3).


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday, 25.02.14 - 22:05:32 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

to be sure I need also the answer to #0:VX# when LFEP is not synced and not slewing (after it has only been powered on, with no sync and no GoTo commands...).
Anyway probably the attached driver works...
As for PEC state, please let me know the answer to #0P and #1P .

« Last Edit: Wednesday, 26.02.14 - 11:46:45 - CET by Armando »

Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #33 on: Thursday, 27.02.14 - 17:44:21 - CET »
Hello Armando,

in screen shot 1 you can see the answer of the LFEP on #0:VX#, after it has only been powered on.

To test PEC state, I sent #0P and #1P always three times to the LFEP, after setting by HW handbox PEC OFF, PEC ON and PEC TRAINING. Every time I missed the answer. RealTerm only displayed my input (screen shot 2).

Your new driver reacts very pleasant. A click on INVERT DEC changes Side of pier accordingly, also corresponding on the HW handbox.

I synced an object with the HW handbox and started a GOTO to a second object. The slewing led started blinking. At the end of the movement, the blinking stops and a sound could be heard.

The PEC on/off button now is reacting, the ACTIVE letters turned from grey to black, also corresponding to the HW handbox (red LED is on). That is also working the reverse way. If I change a PEC function by HW handbox, these changes are displayed on the screen. The same behaviour could be observed by PEC TRAINING.


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #34 on: Thursday, 27.02.14 - 19:58:07 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

OK.  :)
I still need a confirmation: while keeping N (resp. S) button pressed you should see DEC increasing (resp. decreasing). This should happen both on East and West pier sides.
Please let me know if you see something different: I need to figure out if FW5 is affected by the same bug as FW6 and if I have to reverse West/East pier sides...

If you see N/S buttons working as expected then you can start using the driver...
Keep in mind currently you can't configure your LFEP by ASCOM!
As for the parking feature, please don't use the Controller parking but prefer the PC parking (you can select it in the parking settings group)! You can try to set home position and see if parking/unparking works as expected.
You can also enable automatic flip if you see manual flip works.

But before playing with parking and flip commands you need to be sure N/S buttons move the mount in the right direction...

As for the moving speeds, You should be able to move by the ASCOM handbox at guider rate, 2X, 8X and 16X paddle speeds.
I don't know all the other speeds that are supported by FW5. So, if you agree with me, I could simply remove all the other speeds from the list to let you select only hand paddle speeds (you should associate any of the available speeds at each of the hand paddle speed)... You can also tell me the speeds supported by FW5 but then we should check if the selection works as in FW6...

« Last Edit: Friday, 28.02.14 - 10:49:07 - CET by Armando »

Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #35 on: Saturday, 01.03.14 - 15:39:07 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

I'd like also to know LFEP answer to #0:VX# after you've set tracking rate to Sidereal, Solar, Lunar, User and Disabled by the HW handbox...


Offline Heinz-S

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #36 on: Monday, 03.03.14 - 19:53:35 - CET »
Hello Armando,

the bug, you've told about, couldn't be seen by using my equipment.  The N button pressing lets increase DEC display on east and west pier side.

The parking commands and the flip functions I couldn't test previously, but I send feedback to you in the near future.

To configure the LFEP, the HW handbox does a good job and ASCOM is not necessary.

The moving speeds 2x, 8x and 16x are functioning properly. I also tested some of the other offered speeds (100x, 250x, 320x). The mount moves every time with the same speed (16x paddle), but the stored GOTO speed changes from 250x to 32x anyway. As you proposed, it would be the best to remove all these other speeds.

In the attachment you will find the RealTerm answers to the several tracking rates: Line 1: sideral, Line 2: solar, Line 3: lunar, Line 4: disabled. A user mode wasn't offered in the tracking rate menu of the HW handbox.

In the description of the driver for FW6xx I found a function, that allows to synchronize the date/time of the LFEP control unit with the PC clock. Is that function also available by FW5xx driver?


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #37 on: Monday, 03.03.14 - 22:08:00 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

the bug, you've told about, couldn't be seen by using my equipment.  The N button pressing lets increase DEC display on east and west pier side.
Well... FW5 is affected by the same bug and, as hoped, the code that manages FW6 bug is good also with your LFEP.  ;)

The parking commands and the flip functions I couldn't test previously, but I send feedback to you in the near future.

To configure the LFEP, the HW handbox does a good job and ASCOM is not necessary.
I agree with you.  :)

The moving speeds 2x, 8x and 16x are functioning properly. I also tested some of the other offered speeds (100x, 250x, 320x). The mount moves every time with the same speed (16x paddle), but the stored GOTO speed changes from 250x to 32x anyway. As you proposed, it would be the best to remove all these other speeds.
OK. As you can see by the warning message, using the other menu speeds, even if possible on FW6, is not a good idea. So I really see no limitations in this case...

In the attachment you will find the RealTerm answers to the several tracking rates: Line 1: sideral, Line 2: solar, Line 3: lunar, Line 4: disabled. A user mode wasn't offered in the tracking rate menu of the HW handbox.
OK. I'll have also to hide drift compensation groups for FW5.

In the description of the driver for FW6xx I found a function, that allows to synchronize the date/time of the LFEP control unit with the PC clock. Is that function also available by FW5xx driver?
I kept it enabled and probably FW5 supports the required commands. You can check (by intentionally and temporarily setting a wrong date/time on your PC...).
Please let me know if it doesn't work: I can hide the checkbox...


Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #38 on: Monday, 03.03.14 - 22:56:37 - CET »
Hi Heinz,

OK, I just built a new driver. You find it attached...
You should see only paddle speeds in the handbox, no drift compensation and no user rate available and Sidereal/Solar/Lunar tracking rate properly detected.

« Last Edit: Tuesday, 04.03.14 - 13:32:53 - CET by Armando »

Offline Armando

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Re: COM Schnittstelle wird nicht erkannt
« Reply #39 on: Tuesday, 04.03.14 - 19:44:20 - CET »
Please use the attached driver...
« Last Edit: Tuesday, 04.03.14 - 23:15:56 - CET by Armando »