Hi Heinz,

I still need a confirmation: while keeping N (resp. S) button pressed you should see DEC increasing (resp. decreasing). This should happen both on East and West pier sides.
Please let me know if you see something different: I need to figure out if FW5 is affected by the same bug as FW6 and if I have to reverse West/East pier sides...
If you see N/S buttons working as expected
then you can start using the driver...
Keep in mind currently you can't configure your LFEP by ASCOM!
As for the parking feature, please don't use the Controller parking but prefer the
PC parking (you can select it in the parking settings group)! You can try to set home position and see if parking/unparking works as expected.
You can also enable automatic flip if you see manual flip works.
But before playing with parking and flip commands you need to be sure N/S buttons move the mount in the right direction...
As for the moving speeds, You should be able to move by the ASCOM handbox at guider rate, 2X, 8X and 16X paddle speeds.
I don't know all the other speeds that are supported by FW5. So, if you agree with me, I could simply remove all the other speeds from the list to let you select only hand paddle speeds (you should associate any of the available speeds at each of the hand paddle speed)... You can also tell me the speeds supported by FW5 but then we should check if the selection works as in FW6...