Hi @all,
I'm appreciating the idea of offering a forum to discuss about LFEP.

But I'd like to point out one of the main limits of the LFEP (without discussing about the end of official support): English documentation.
I was one of the moderators of the old forum and I always tried to avoid double posts by intensively using the forum search function together with Google translator if required (I don't speak German).
But, frankly, I think using Google translations is not a good idea: even with electronic know-how, I was often obliged to publish some specific questions (sometimes already answered but only in German) because of the unintelligible Google translations.
I'm pretty sure preferring English
in place of German could be a good starting point.
I think many users who don't speak German will be annoyed by the need to translate a question from German (by Google), just to be of help to suggest a solution or to offer any sort of support...
Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum!

Armando Beneduce