Yesterday I tested the last update. The clouds wasn't there since a wide.
Usualy, I used to going at 100X for the goto with my CG5 original motors but now i need to fix them donw to 50X.
At 100X, my motor don't work at all, at 50X they work good but it too slow. Between these values motors don't run aconstatilly.
even if the 40V delevery is on.
I didn't change any courants values for the motors.
Did I need to change something?
Hi Patrice,
Did I need to change something?
Issues related to motor speed are obviously not related to the ASCOM driver in use: you will find the same speed limitation also by using previous releases or by moving the mount by hardware handbox.
Maybe you're using a too low current value for your motor or your battery is not properly charged (if you're using a battery to power your LFEP).
Keep in mind a too low voltage will make V40 board not working: some days ago I started to think my V40 was faulty (I can hear a louder motor noise while V40 is enabled). Then I realized the battery voltage was well under 12V... 
You can also try to set an higher ramp value, if available.
Another cause of the speed issue could be a low temperature so that an higher load torque is required (e.g. because of bad grease or too small worm-worm wheel play).
Clear Skies!
Hi Armando,
Thanks for your reply. I move to a nex topic.
Yes I have the same behavour with the ASCOM and the hadbox.
It wasn't a problem of main power because I used a 15V laptop power.
I tried different value for the ramp between 10 to 150 but nothing was good.
For the temperature, actually I've got at least 16°C at the morning at 25 m above the sealevel.
We need to go at 2200m to expect to have arond 10°C at night (Réunion island).
And I changed the grease.
I tried value between 600/1200 for the motor.
How can I check the output value. I don't think voltmeter is good for that?
Maybe this is the 40V board because It was the speed of 50X I had before this option.
Thanks for your help because I lost in electronics.