Author Topic: Pier flip  (Read 75991 times)

Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #60 on: Saturday, 14.09.13 - 22:30:43 - CEST »
I can confirm the wrong status of the flip button was solved by my previously built and uploaded driver (LFEP I).
Anyway I think it should not take care also of the delay value used by the autoflip function.
So the attached driver definitely solves also this small bug: now, as soon as a flip is opportune, the flip button is enabled.

Great! Thanks! Is this version also implementing the reverse mode? I ask to know if I can use it to keep testing the CCDAP issue...

If you think reverse mode can be useful (it should replace pier side in reverse mode in MaxIm) I can update the driver on sourceforge.

Since it seems that different programs have different behavior, I think it could be useful to have the possibility to select the mode...

I think incomplete flip should be examined. I'll gladly appreciate some reports about this issue: my mount is too slow (40x GoTo speed), I won't test any function related to flip for obvious reasons...

Sure, as soon as I have decent weather I will try. Also today is has been overcast all the time... no way to test the driver, sorry. From tomorrow I should have a couple of clear nights...

if you want to find a remedy to the issue (instead of solving its root cause) and CCDAP allows executing scripts, I would suggest to make a vbs or js script to command the invert dec soon after the calibration...  ;)
Anyway I think software of this kind are meant to simplify the life and the use of the equipment, not to introduce new and unexpected annoyances...  :)

I know  ;D
But I'm an hardware developer, I think "hardware" and I pass my entire day at work fighting with software guys (who pass the entire day fighting with hardware guys of course :D ) and... I think "hardware". Well, secondly, I don't have the slightest idea on how to write a script in visual basic or java... so... I had to use the solder, some wire and some imagination.

Mechanically is terrible and the aspect is not really artistic, but I had to use what I had at home (and of course I didn't have four connectors of the same kind).
So I made this little... thing, with two inputs (direct and inverted, since I saw that there are two version of the ST4 cable, one with connections from 1 to 5 and another from 6 to 2) and two output (again, direct and inverted). Through the selector I can have: X and Y, as they are; X and /Y (Y inverted), /X and /Y and /X and Y. That should cover all combinations...
In the worst case, I will initialize the mount with X-Y setup, and then switch to X-/Y for guiding. When the game becomes hard, the hard(ware) begins to play...  ;D

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #61 on: Sunday, 15.09.13 - 00:03:36 - CEST »
Hi gpaolo,

Great! Thanks! Is this version also implementing the reverse mode? I ask to know if I can use it to keep testing the CCDAP issue...
Yes, it is. You can enable reverse mode (by the added checkbox).
Even if it also solves the bug about the flip button (that occurred only whit autoflip disabled), keep autoflip enabled to test CCDAP.

Since it seems that different programs have different behavior, I think it could be useful to have the possibility to select the mode...
Ok. I'll give another look at the code just to evaluate the CCDAP issue. Then, in any case, I'll upload on Sourceforge the driver...

Sure, as soon as I have decent weather I will try. Also today is has been overcast all the time... no way to test the driver, sorry. From tomorrow I should have a couple of clear nights...
No hurry at all!  ;) Simply I'm a little puzzled since I would have expected many reports about this issue (I created a thread to invite the users to contribute as bug reporters...).
At the same time I want to thank the_lizardking and you for your great contribute.

Well, secondly, I don't have the slightest idea on how to write a script in visual basic or java... so... I had to use the solder, some wire and some imagination.
Maybe a script (js extension) like this will work to set East as side of pier:
Code: [Select]
wshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" );
var sideE = new String("#<D#");
var sideW= new String("#>D#");
var T = new ActiveXObject("ASCOM.LFEP_Server.Telescope");


Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #62 on: Sunday, 15.09.13 - 12:06:45 - CEST »
No hurry at all!  ;) Simply I'm a little puzzled since I would have expected many reports about this issue (I created a thread to invite the users to contribute as bug reporters...).

I thought the same...
But I think that it depends maybe on the combination of conditions that leads to the problem.
In my case, I guess that there are not many people with the FLEP who are using CCDAP, and even less with the same cables I'm using if it turns out that the issue depends also on cable.
And probably most of the people never opened Maxim to check the pier flip status... who knows.
We are a small community and I fear that we will never grow, after the loss of the support from Rajiva. I had the chance to buy a 2nd hand controller from a friend, but I was (and I am) a bit worried to buy something that it is already dead from the hardware and firmware point of view. Luckily you are updating the ASCOM drivers, but if we encounter some firmware bug we are quite lost...

At the same time I want to thank the_lizardking and you for your great contribute.

No man, the great contribute is yours, we are just finding/creating problems...  ;D

Maybe a script (js extension) like this will work to set East as side of pier:
Code: [Select]
wshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" );
var sideE = new String("#<D#");
var sideW= new String("#>D#");
var T = new ActiveXObject("ASCOM.LFEP_Server.Telescope");

That's nice, what language is it? Turkish? Arab?  ;D
I'm joking... yes, I can (barely) understand the meaning, but beside not being able to write it by myself, I would not even know how to run it. Seriously, my programming experience at PC is stuck at VB3 something like 15-20 years ago, plus something in C during university. I REALLY have to study object oriented programming...  ???

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #63 on: Sunday, 15.09.13 - 13:35:26 - CEST »
Hi gpaolo,

I would not even know how to run it.
Save the file on the desktop and double click on it when required.  ;)
If CCDAP allows the user to define a sequence of operations, including the execution of executable files, I think you can also make CCDAP executing it after the guider calibration...


Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #64 on: Sunday, 15.09.13 - 19:56:11 - CEST »
Armando, when I turned the new driver on I've got a "Wrong DEC answer detected" in the log, and something more saying that the answer was E4, then 0, then nothing (sorry! those lines were deleted while I was trying to copy them!!).
What does it means?

Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #65 on: Sunday, 15.09.13 - 20:12:56 - CEST »
In the meanwhile, I can confirm that the flip button is working perfectly, in both directions: when pier flip can be performed, it is active. Good work!  ;)
I've also made a couple of test on DEC movements during the flip and until now everything went fine, the final position is correct.

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #66 on: Tuesday, 05.11.13 - 02:24:19 - CET »
Hi gpaolo,

I just realized that your guiding issues can be caused by wrong Guider Motor Control settings in Maxim (guide settings - advanced tab).
Maybe setting On Pier Flip Do Not Change or On Pier Flip Reverse Y you'll be able to solve the issue...
Unfortunately there is the need to know how the software works and what it expects from the controller to make the full system properly working...


Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #67 on: Tuesday, 05.11.13 - 07:31:44 - CET »
Hi Armando,

no, it was not that, because CCD Autopilot automatically bypasses all those settings.
The problem was the physical connection on the ST4 cable, where X and Y were swapped. Normally, it doesn't have any effect, since the calibration is independent of "what is what", but since CCDAP sets the guiding vector depending on the rotation of the camera detected with the astrometric reduction of the image, it needs to have RA and DEC connected on the right pin.
For now, I've solved the issue by using... what was its name?... the ASCOM pulse guide or something like that, instead of ST4, and everything works perfectly.

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #68 on: Tuesday, 05.11.13 - 12:36:05 - CET »
Hi gpaolo,

The problem was the physical connection on the ST4 cable, where X and Y were swapped.
Ok, but making use of the right cable should allow you to guide by ST-4. I'm not suggesting you to prefer ST-4; I'm simply stating that using the same guider settings ST-4 should work (by the right cable) properly.

To avoid cable modifications maybe playing with Maxim Guider Motor Control settings (and mainly On Pier Flip Reverse Y option) is enough...

Anyway if you found PulseGuiding working perfectly you have no reasons to add another "flying" cable...  :)


Offline gpaolo

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #69 on: Tuesday, 05.11.13 - 13:24:42 - CET »
Yes, it is in my plans to change the pinout of the cable, but as you say on cable less is a very good thing.
In any case, I prefer the good old hardware, I don't trust very much the reaction time of the software.

Offline Armando

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Re: Pier flip
« Reply #70 on: Tuesday, 05.11.13 - 13:43:35 - CET »
Yes, it is in my plans to change the pinout of the cable, but as you say on cable less is a very good thing.
In any case, I prefer the good old hardware, I don't trust very much the reaction time of the software.
Timing is surely managed by LFEP itself if you use PulseGuide. If you switch back to ST-4 then keep in mind these possible limitations:
1. timing is managed by software in some cases (e.g. if you're using Shoestring GPUSB - pretty ridiculous);
2. resolution/accuracy of the MCU controlling the output lines if management is by hardware;
3. ability/inability  to guide simultaneously on RA and Dec;

What is really a shame is that sometimes the software itself doesn't use the guider at its best (e.g. MaxIm DL doesn't guide simultaneously on RA and Dec by ASCOM even if the hardware and the driver are capable of supporting it...).
