No pier flip is mentioned in ASCOM documentation. Only the pierside is implemented...
Uh... ok. So, how can the program determine if the pier flip has been performed? In Maxim I can select ASCOM normal, inverted or calculated from position.
If I select the ASCOM inverted and I get the correct information, I can only suppose that the status (whatever it is) sent by ASCOM is reversed...
By LFEP ASCOM driver, telescope above the counterweight is not a requirement! You can have W or E pier side, whatever is the target position...
Ok, understood.
In fact, I'm able to perform a goto without flipping the telescope.
Would you send a flip command from this position?

I just tried to perform a goto beyond the meridian and the button became active, so that's working.

See that with ASCOM Inverted choosen, the status indicated by Maxim is correct.
Then I performed the Flip Telescope, which didn't work very well...
I started from this position:

and ended in this position:

the DEC was quite lower than before. The star (well, the position) was almost at zenit

but the DEC ended at about 45 degrees... (and Maxim was correctly telling that pier flip had been performed, and DEC movements are also ok).
But let's solve one problem at the time...
Because the ASCOM driver assumes the telescope is below the counterweight and so in this case it enables a flip command...
The pier flip indicator is a MaxIm feature...
Ok! Now I understand it!
The driver returns the pier side shown by the ASCOM GUI interface. I think you agree with me it's the right pier side.
Yes, it is.
But I tend to think that if, basing on the information delivered by ASCOM, both CCDAP and Maxim think that the pier flip has been performed, it is more probable that some of the informations returned by ASCOM interface used to calculate the pier flip status are not correct...
This is clear. Now I mean to define what should be changed: the PierSide reading occurs also "internally" by the ASCOM GUI functions themselves.
Well, on this part I cannot help you very much, except by testing the modifications... I can check the pier flip status returned by maxim at any time, but to check if CCDAP is working I need a clear night and to begin to track a star...
Nothing special. 
I also prefer PIC firmware development. But just to add support for a LFEP extension made by myself ( I started to take care of the LFEP ASCOM driver . Great part of the driver was developed by Gerald who is no more involved in the development. So I'm still taking care of the driver to solve possible bugs and for further improvements...
Nice! I have made a clone of Robofocus too, but as I said I had to copy the protocol of the real Robofocus to be able to use its software and drivers...
Well until I learn to program in C# I will only be able to do the "betatester", I hope to be able soon to participate more in the development. Thank you very much for you help and for your time!