Author Topic: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports  (Read 104939 times)

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 12:20:46 - CEST »

I think this is related to the Auto Switch for the dew heater in conjunction with the tiny.

See Menue 3 Dew Heating Auto/On/Off.

However this function is a bit strange, if you had the heater in Off and set auto it will keep it off untill dewpoint is reached. If you have it in on and set auto it will keep the heaters on until dewpoint is reached... this is how I understod it but I did only a dirty fast test.

However it is setting an OpenCollector on the TinyInterface and you will need to have a small robo relais interface behind. I think this all works over robo focus behind and uses only the I2C temp feature. So maybe there is no need to use the tiny,... not sure regarding the menue 3 and how it works behind but i see the tiny was only something in between to make some new commercial feature easy to use. The temp feature should come from the I2C anyway,...

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 15:48:17 - CEST »
Hi the_lizardking,

I think this is related to the Auto Switch for the dew heater in conjunction with the tiny.

However this function is a bit strange, if you had the heater in Off and set auto it will keep it off untill dewpoint is reached. If you have it in on and set auto it will keep the heaters on until dewpoint is reached... this is how I understod it but I did only a dirty fast test.
It could be useful to take into account a reversed logic in the connected hardware extension...

However it is setting an OpenCollector on the TinyInterface and you will need to have a small robo relais interface behind. I think this all works over robo focus behind and uses only the I2C temp feature. So maybe there is no need to use the tiny,... not sure regarding the menue 3 and how it works behind but i see the tiny was only something in between to make some new commercial feature easy to use. The temp feature should come from the I2C anyway,...
The command >:VD makes use also of the accumulator value. So I'm tempted to think that setting an accumulator value less then 255 will make a PWM output available... What I understand now is that this output will be available only by a Tiny interface. Really bad...  >:(

As for I2C, each slave is identified by an address.
I'm not sure that a generic I2C address is accepted by LFEP.
For example my I2C focuser board (to measure focuser position) required a LFEP firmware change just to unlock an I2C address (the one I had to use in my I2C slave firmware).
I could obviously modify my I2C slave board so that it will also measure temperature and humidity and pass it, by LFEP I2C, to ASCOM driver...
But I'd like to have for once a ready to use feature... :)

In place of SHT-7X there are temperature and humidity measuring devices that are fully I2C compliant. They could be connected to LFEP with no Tiny interfaces... But maybe the LFEP FW won't make them working...


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 21:09:48 - CEST »
Could be a reverse option,... Dont know but people should know how to use it. We have no clear specification,... Also not sure about the sht sensor because for cloud sensor there is absolute no specification,... And the tiny taken in the past was only for short period available ... So we are in a deep oneway road here without open source.

Another reason why we should hope to get out of this half commercial situation, this is horrible for progress. But i am not sure i think there was a direct connector on the i2c board for an temp sensor up from the old lfe or not?

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 22:24:30 - CEST »
Hi the_lizardking,

for the missing heater output I could use the fan output.  :P
A better solution would be using the I2C extension already supported by ASCOM to control also the power for 4 heaters.
But I could implement the missing code in my I2C board.

So, in any case, the main issue is related to the temp. and humidity reading.
Just now I've no need to use a dew heater (Newton together with an OAG). But temp. could be useful to improve focusing.
I could make my board able to read temp and humidity too but I'll be obliged to use two sensors that are no I2C devices since they should be managed by my I2C slave. I may be wrong but I see that accurate sensors ready to use are only I2C devices.  ::)

Another reason why we should hope to get out of this half commercial situation, this is horrible for progress. But i am not sure i think there was a direct connector on the i2c board for an temp sensor up from the old lfe or not?
I know nothing about LFE. And I don't know everything about LFEP...


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 22:38:29 - CEST »
There is also a user defineable switch that can be controlled over ascom, so you maybe dont need to use the fan controll which makes sense for other application. There is menue in the ascom to control the user pins.

I think there where two pins for an external temp sensor. Because you have the one that messures the motor driver temp, which can be read out also,... I am not sure for what this sensor was planned for but would also be possible to use it outside the controler unit for messuring the temp. However does not help for hum.

Maybe this helps:

This is from the old lfe and i think there was not a big change on that, its only integrated on the board now.

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, 26.05.13 - 23:02:14 - CEST »
Anyway if the auto dew heater is already implemented I think I should implement nothing more in ASCOM.
Does it work as expected?
If you set auto mode when the dew heater is off it works as expected. But when a power cycle occurs do you need to set auto mode again?


Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday, 28.05.13 - 23:21:32 - CEST »
No this works as expected no bug here,... if you set Auto Auto is set for off or on.

Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #27 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 00:14:11 - CEST »
Hi, I'm a new user of the LFEP.
I'm trying to learn to use it -a bit complicated and I find the manual somehow superficial, to be honest- so it may not be a real bug but just my mistake. Anyway, I've been trying tonight parking using the ASCOM driver and I wasn't able to get it working.
I selected PC parking, positioned the mount to the desired position, pressed the Set parking position button. Then, I moved the mount and pressed the park to stored position, but nothing happened. When I press the other button, park to current position, the mount stops, but the unpark button remains grayed.
Any idea?

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #28 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 11:01:52 - CEST »
I am not sure but could be that there are not all bugs fixed,... (did you load the latest driver?) I had close issues before. Important is also that the scope orientation is correct.
Would be great if you could test again, make sure orientation is correct and if the bug still remains let us know.

Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #29 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 11:05:49 - CEST »
Yes, the driver was the last one (1.5.3 I think to remember, right now I'm not the same PC of the telescope and I cannot check).
I was making the tests indoor, without the telescope, just synchronizing the mount with the planetarium and seeing if it was moving correctly. The go-to was working as expected -I checked with the circles on the mount- so I think that orientation was fine too. The mount simply wasn't slewing to the park position. Tell me what I have to test and I will repeat everything this afternoon or tonight! I'm glad to help if I can!

Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #30 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 17:52:13 - CEST »
I've made some further tests.
Turning on the mount and connecting the driver, in the setup windows the telescope was indicated as parked, with the unpark button enabled, so it looks like that the mount state is not updated until the driver is closed and opened again.
The Park button on the main windows stops the mount (also in this case, no go-to to the park position), the parking light on the interface flashes for a while, but the unpark button on the setup windows (is it missing on the main window?) remains grayed.

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #31 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 18:19:45 - CEST »
Do you mean you changed something on handbox and connected then to the unparked mount?
I think you should stay with ASCOM only for the test, we located some issues with parking crossed over,...
Did you try to push the parking button again until the unpark button is enabled?

I would also suggest to check that the coordinates of the mount are transmitted correct once startet the ASCOM as well as the option "remote controlled" in telescope setup is unchecked.

I hope I can also try today,... and will post some comments if I find the same issues. As I can remember the last time it worked,...

Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #32 on: Monday, 29.07.13 - 18:47:49 - CEST »
No no, I'm just using ASCOM, nothing else.

Yesterday night I made the test on the parking function, then I turned off the mount.
Today, when I turned the LF on, the RA motor start tracking. When I connected the PC, the tracking stopped, and when I opened the setup window the unpark button was active and the park buttons were grayed.
I pressed the unpark, nothing really happened because the start tracking when unpark option was disabled. The park buttons remained gray.
Then I tried again to disconnect and connect the LF, and the park buttons went active. If I pressed Park, the mount stopped without going to any position -like yesterday- and the unpark button remained inactive.
I will try to get some screenshot when I do the next test, and I will also check the coordinates -I was trying another thing and I didn't pay attention on that.

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #33 on: Tuesday, 30.07.13 - 04:43:02 - CEST »
Hi gpaolo,

Yesterday night I made the test on the parking function, then I turned off the mount.

Today, when I turned the LF on, the RA motor start tracking.

When I connected the PC, the tracking stopped,
With startup mode ON, tracking is on after a powercycle even if a park command has been sent before the power off.
So the ASCOM driver sends a parking command soon after the ASCOM connection if the mount has been previously parked (by ASCOM).
and when I opened the setup window the unpark button was active and the park buttons were grayed.
As expected...

I pressed the unpark, nothing really happened because the start tracking when unpark option was disabled.
Please enable the option to start tracking when unpark...

Then I tried again to disconnect and connect the LF, and the park buttons went active. If I pressed Park, the mount stopped without going to any position -like yesterday- and the unpark button remained inactive.
To go to park position, current mount position is to be known by the driver. In any case after a powercycle the LFEP RA and Dec coordinates are lost. If the powercycle occurs after a parking command everything should work as expected.

I would suggest:
1. to be sure to have startup mode ON (by the handbox);
2. to enable the option to make the unpark command starting also tracking;
3. to send a sync command;
4. to move (by handbox, by ASCOM handbox or by a GoTo) to the desired park position;
5. to set the park position;
6. to move to different position;
7. to park and check if the mount goes back to park position;
8. to unpark;
9. to move to different position;
10. to park (and check if the mount goes back to park position);
11. to disconnect and powercycle;
12. to connect and unpark;
13. to move to different position;
14. to park (and check if the mount goes back to park position);

Please let me know ;-)


Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #34 on: Tuesday, 30.07.13 - 09:01:53 - CEST »
Thanks Armando, I will try later to do as you suggest and I will let you know!

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #35 on: Tuesday, 30.07.13 - 09:34:28 - CEST »
I think you have checked startup mode on, however I have the phaenomenom, that startup mode Off does not work on HBX,... no glue why, but dont be suprised.

Offline gpaolo

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #36 on: Wednesday, 31.07.13 - 09:07:11 - CEST »
Hi, yesterday night I was able to mount the telescope and try the system fully assembled.
It worked as it was supposed to do, so it seems that I was doing something wrong when I was doing the test indoor. Sorry  :-[
Anyway, I noticed that, after the window "Telescope is parked" appears, the setup window does not refresh and remains as if the telescope were not parked. To have the Unpark button available, I have to close the setup window and open it again. I have also noticed that there is a very long delay (2-3 seconds) between when a command is issued (park or goto for example) and when it is executed. On my USB converter I have a led indicating when transmission is in progress and I can see that the delay is between the pressure of the button and the transmission of the command. Is it something that someone else have noticed?

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, 31.07.13 - 11:02:45 - CEST »
No I was watching with serial mon and could see the command comming fast, only when the park position is reached to the point where unparked is shown there is some time in between where nothing happens but slewing telescop is flashing. And this is also correct the setup is not refeshed, but you could have the park button also on the handpad screen - this one is refreshed after parking.

Offline Armando

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #38 on: Wednesday, 31.07.13 - 16:25:18 - CEST »
Ciao gpaolo,

Anyway, I noticed that, after the window "Telescope is parked" appears, the setup window does not refresh and remains as if the telescope were not parked. To have the Unpark button available, I have to close the setup window and open it again.
Please let me know if the attached driver solves the issue. ;-)

« Last Edit: Thursday, 01.08.13 - 00:23:24 - CEST by Armando »

Offline the_lizardking

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Re: LFEP ASCOM driver - bug reports
« Reply #39 on: Wednesday, 31.07.13 - 22:34:37 - CEST »

I have some problems with the focuser,... seems that the fast mode does not work... cant use it.