Hi Rainer,
first of all thank you for your reports.
1st. - Orientiation stay on EAST , after choose West and reset, i found EAST : in the preferences !
I was not able to reproduce the issue. Maybe it's related to the FW. Does the issue occur also when you invert Dec by ASCOM handbox?
2nd. - The programm Astro - Photography Tool 2.2. ( Win 7 ) over MAC OS X cannot use the driver properly - Why ?
Unfortunately demo version doesn't include ASCOM connection feature. I'm not able to check.
3rd. - Save windows - save the preferences to ?
The command is meant to save current GUI settings to restore them on the following ASCOM LFEP connection.
I see it works. Did you find it not working?
May be i can test the new version today 
I uploaded a new update with some improvements: mainly I found annoying the too low RA and Dec update rate while telescope was slewing.
So I enabled RA and Dec update every 1s if telescope is slewing. I also forced RA and Dec update when a manual moving command by ASCOM handbox terminates.
Silent mode (I'm referring to the checkBox under "Locked" one in the motion control panel) now reduces traffic. I think it can be useful while guiding...
Clear Skies!