I can confirm the wrong status of the flip button was solved by my previously built and uploaded driver (LFEP I).
Anyway I think it should not take care also of the delay value used by the autoflip function.
So the attached driver definitely solves also this small bug: now, as soon as a flip is opportune, the flip button is enabled.
Great! Thanks! Is this version also implementing the reverse mode? I ask to know if I can use it to keep testing the CCDAP issue...
If you think reverse mode can be useful (it should replace pier side in reverse mode in MaxIm) I can update the driver on sourceforge.
Since it seems that different programs have different behavior, I think it could be useful to have the possibility to select the mode...
I think incomplete flip should be examined. I'll gladly appreciate some reports about this issue: my mount is too slow (40x GoTo speed), I won't test any function related to flip for obvious reasons...
Sure, as soon as I have decent weather I will try. Also today is has been overcast all the time... no way to test the driver, sorry. From tomorrow I should have a couple of clear nights...
if you want to find a remedy to the issue (instead of solving its root cause) and CCDAP allows executing scripts, I would suggest to make a vbs or js script to command the invert dec soon after the calibration... 
Anyway I think software of this kind are meant to simplify the life and the use of the equipment, not to introduce new and unexpected annoyances... 
I know

But I'm an hardware developer, I think "hardware" and I pass my entire day at work fighting with software guys (who pass the entire day fighting with hardware guys of course

) and... I think "hardware". Well, secondly, I don't have the slightest idea on how to write a script in visual basic or java... so... I had to use the solder, some wire and some imagination.

Mechanically is terrible and the aspect is not really artistic, but I had to use what I had at home (and of course I didn't have four connectors of the same kind).
So I made this little... thing, with two inputs (direct and inverted, since I saw that there are two version of the ST4 cable, one with connections from 1 to 5 and another from 6 to 2) and two output (again, direct and inverted). Through the selector I can have: X and Y, as they are; X and /Y (Y inverted), /X and /Y and /X and Y. That should cover all combinations...
In the worst case, I will initialize the mount with X-Y setup, and then switch to X-/Y for guiding. When the game becomes hard, the hard(ware) begins to play...