Author Topic: Stuck LFEP - "Display init.." lock - RS232 issues  (Read 9228 times)

Offline Armando

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Stuck LFEP - "Display init.." lock - RS232 issues
« on: Thursday, 09.05.13 - 13:22:13 - CEST »
Hi @all,

possible LFEP internal settings corruption was reported.
In this case the handbox stays locked and ASCOM driver is not useful to reset the LFEP parameters because no (duplex) communication is possible.
A solution is updating the FW. But it's not always required.

It's possible that LFEP is able to receive and execute commands even if the display stays locked on "Display init..".
You need to send 3 files to LFEP to try to reset it. You find them in the attached file.

You need to have the LFEP physically connected (by its cable) to your USB port.
Also with LFEP off, you find a COM port in the Windows device list...
Set the COM port in use by LFEP at 9600bps, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. Then keep the USB cable always connected to LFEP and to the USB port during the procedure described below!
Obviously if your COM port is COM7 you need to use com7: in place of com13: at the 6th, 8th and 10th steps.

So, follow these steps:
1. Power off LFEP
2. Disconnect all motors and extensions
3. Keep motors always disconnected!
4. from Windows MS Dos prompt move to the folder where you've saved lfep_reset2.txt, lfep_reset1.txt and lfep_reset.txt ...
5. Power on LFEP
6. By Windows MS-Dos prompt execute the following line: copy /B lfep_reset2.txt com13:
7. Power cycle LFEP
8. By Windows MS-Dos prompt execute the following line: copy /B lfep_reset1.txt com13:
9. power cycle LFEP
10. By Windows MS-Dos prompt execute the following line: copy /B lfep_reset.txt com13:
11. power cycle LFEP
12. check if LFEP works with motors still disconnected
13. if it works, you need to reconfigure it (by the handbox), then power LFEP off, connect the motors and power LFEP on...

Be sure to set (by handbox at step 13) all parameters related to overall reduction on RA and Dec before going to power cycle LFEP.

If you still find LFEP not working after the 11th step but at a previous step you found the display no more locked on "Display init..", repeat the procedure but, as soon as you see the display no more locked on "Display init..", use the handbox to execute the 13th step.

The parameters you need  to store during the procedure are all the ones related to RA and Dec overall reduction values, and RA, Dec and focuser motor current values.

If it still doesn't work a firmware update is required.

Armando Beneduce
« Last Edit: Friday, 10.05.13 - 12:12:03 - CEST by Armando »