LittleFoot Elegance Photo > LFEP ASCOM

Autoguider Probleme

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Hi lsi,

does the issue occur also without an ASCOM connection?


Hallo Arrmando, das werde ich mal als nächstes testen. Cs Isi

Hallo Armando, gestern beim Testen, ohne Ascom hat der Guider ohne Probleme funktioniert. Neustart mit Ascom und es funktionierte wieder nicht.Cs Isi

Hi Isi,

I thought that the commands used to set/change the moving speed can cause the issue if they are sent during an ST-4 pulse...
So I sent single long ST-4 pulses or a lot of short ST-4 pulses  while connecting by ASCOM but the issue didn't occur on my LFEP. I also tried pad/not_pad guide speeds.

Maybe the issue is related to the LFEP firmware.  ::)

Since the issue occurs also with the old 1.5.2 release please update the driver.
The latest version is available at the following address:

Please give me some hints to reproduce the issue, if available...

Do you ALWAYS have no ST-4 response AS SOON AS you start the ASCOM connection and the ASCOM handbox is displayed? Does the issue occur without interacting with the ASCOM GUI controls?
In these cases let me know if the attached driver doesn't cause the ST-4 "lock"... Keep in mind the attached driver is just meant to figure out if the issue
is caused by the command required to set the guiding speed (I commented it so that no guiding speed settings occur when you connect by ASCOM).


Hallo Armando,
ich bin gerade am testen aber ich komme mit dem neuen Driver nicht zurecht. Wo finde ich eine Gebrauchsanweisung ? Unter Help ist nichts zu finden. Bei mir laufen nun die RA u. DEC nacheinander. Das GOTO stimmt. Bei mir müssen beide Achsen gleichzeitig anlaufen da sonst die Montierung gegen die Säule fahren kann. Was muß ich da einstellen. Und was bedeutet

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