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New Project

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Hi guys,

following your discussions I would say of course everybody here would like to go ahead, however Rene is somehow right - but does it stop further ideas; I would say no! I also wouldnt say this is the wrong place to post such interests but this doesnt mean that we all leave everything behind and stop, only concentrating on a new project. From my point we have many building areas to solve right now and we should do so as everybody of us wants to make pictures or watch the sky and everybody has certain expectations at LFEP that should be fullfilled now. One of our biggest targets right now is the ASCOM driver,... we would be very happy for every helping hand!

So I would say, wrong place - no; right idea - maybe; priority - lets discuss about it.

I would also agree that OS do not allways expect problems or conflicts - I would say the situation the project moved to was a bit related to the atitude the project was anonced and its internal as well as commercial construction. However getting informations out of other projects or competitors is nothing new and something every OS project has to live with - just look around on the market. And turning off the transperence is never good in OS projects,... but this was discussed in the past already and shouldnt be wormed up now. I think it can and would work,... there are many examples out there, but right now we did not reach the level to go in deeper discussions. But lets wait for others too.


Hi Leute,

ich stimme the_lizardking vollkommen zu. Da gibt es meinerseits eigentlich nichts hinzuzufügen.
(I agree to the_lizardking completely. Since there is really nothing to add on my part.)

Ich denke, dass Neuentwicklungen eine eigene Rubrik und damit einen festen Platz in diesem Forum haben sollten.
Ich glaube auch, dass die „Hobby-Entwicklung“ uns grundsätzlich sehr hilft bzw. die günstigen Steuerungen im Freizeitbereich überhaupt erst möglich macht.
Aber in Zeiten schneller Entwicklung und immer kleiner werdender SMD-Bausteine wird der Selbstbau auf aktuellem Stand nicht wirklich einfacher.
Wie schnell wird das neue Projekt dann veraltet sein?
Gibt’s dann für die neue Steuerung nach zwei oder drei Jahren (mit vielleicht nur 30 Stunden in Betrieb) noch Support?
Wer macht die Bauteile, die kein Bastler mehr zusammenbringt?
Für wievielt Geld?

Ich hab ja von Programmierung und Software eigentlich keine Ahnung. Hatte aber Rajiva nicht angekündigt, alles zu veröffentlichen?
Wäre es dann nicht möglich, zumindest die aktuellen Softwareprobleme zu beheben?
Jene Features, die uns versprochen oder zumindest suggeriert wurden, als wir viel Geld für die LFEP hingelegt haben.
Es gibt doch bestimmt einige Leute, die mit den ganzen Buschstaben, Zahlen und Zeichen etwas anfangen können.


thanks to both lizardking and sleepwalker for your articles.

Indeed I am sure that - if properly done - an OS project CAN be virtually problem-free and this question largely depends on how it is structured.
Especially, expectations need to be treated with great clarity.

Regarding getting informations out of other projects or competitors, you are correct that this is nothing new. And it is no problem - if the entire thing is OS from the start. IF one makes a "mixed bag" out of it - this here is open, that here is closed, then tat is the invitation for big problems.
The other way round - to "lend" code or details FROM a closed project and to incorporate that into an OS project - that was what i referred to as a bad idea.

@sleepwalker: Especially an OS project has much pore potential to stay current over time. You write that you are not an expert in programming and software. But you surely have heard of LINUX? That is a perfect example for an OS project that lives on and on and on and on ... always being on a rather high level of sophistication, performance, and totally modern. Of course, the community interested in a stable and safe and free Operating System is much bigger that our community can possibly be (otherwise, we'd have an Open Source control system since many years).
In addition, if a project is based on an open hardware/firmware library, this is the key for staying current over time.

Regarding Rajivas publishing or not publishing, all you can do is - nothing. It's his decision and regardless of what he wrote someday in the past, until he publishes, there is just nothing to be done. Are you happy with just waiting? I'd be very unhappy with that ...

Best regards, Felix

Hi Felix,
the argument of Linux is absolutely right. But there are also other examples.
The "open drive" project, for example.
A great idea since many years ....
I would like to have such a device and would probably not have a LFEP if it were that simple.

Of course I'm not happy at the moment. But I can not again invest time, energy and money without knowing if and when it is can be used.
And what about my LFEP? Electronic waste?

Many greetings from Google Translator, Dennis

I think you guys should use your own Topic for this! The Topic title is misleading, or was this intended? ::)


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