LittleFoot Elegance Photo > LFEP ASCOM

Pier Flip



I have an equatorial fork mount. If I dissable pier flip, the mount refuses to pass the meridian. And will turn almost 360°. This happens while tracking and slewing. Where can I adjust the settings ?


Hi MooiWeer,

--- Quote from: MooiWeer on Friday, 18.10.13 - 11:40:05 - CEST ---If I dissable pier flip, the mount refuses to pass the meridian. And will turn almost 360°.
--- End quote ---
What do you mean with turn 360°?

--- Quote --- This happens while tracking and slewing. Where can I adjust the settings ?
--- End quote ---
How did you disable pier flip? You can find all the AutoFlip related settings in telescope setup (AutoFlip tab).
AutoFlip is an option. If enabled, it causes a flip (or asks the user for a flip confirmation) after a GoTo command that could be "dangerous"...
So tracking should never stop. Obviously I'm referring to the driver. Are you using any automation software? 


After some more testing. While tracking there is no attempt for a pier flip. But let's say I'm at +5° from the meredian and I want to go to -2° from the meridian a the telescope will perform an almost full rotation, which twist my wires.

If you want you can set a delay to have no flip if the target is x minutes beyond the meridian... You can set x in AutoFlip tab (by Telescope Setup).
Anyway, also with no delay, you can set the driver to wait for a flip confirmation by the user to take full control of the flip as soon as a GoTo command has been sent.



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